The corridors are
The lights are dull
Over a sea so vast
Fell a saddening lull
As I look back in the rear-view mirror
Memories do shine
The rush that heralded
the day
Every morning in C9
Omar, Kangla and I
boarded an auto in a hurry
Desperate times,
desperate measures, not a luxury
Sheets unbalanced,
forced STP
An hour into the
lecture, the doors bang open
Then entered TP
Slides transited,
words flew around
The battle for AC was
fought in the background
The warriors of
Section A
An enthusiastic Hermione
Granger against a sadistic Severus Snape
Sameer’s doubt,
Never understood what
it was about
Weaving magic with her
words, the girl in the blue scarf
Joined the class only
after the first half
The story of this
You’ll hit a member of
Mad House if you
Hurl a stone in any
random direction
A Bong marketer found
his love for trade
"Now Soumojit will
answer", when someone said
I sensed a movement
behind me
As I walked the kala
ghoda infested lane
We’ll never know
getting mugged was a reality
Or the guy was insane
A guy horsed around on
second floor
While SOS partied behind
a shut door
On the third floor,
there’s a blackbird
Singing in the dead of
And his roommate
involved in a game of swaps
Left and right
Next door I find a
shudh sanskari boy
His roomie, disappointed
in me, somehow
The one who after a sip
of Sangria
Shouted GoIIFTGo in
So much hue and cry
after Trump got elected
We chose a psycho
killer as our President
Nobody ever objected
Down the corridor, a
boy dreamt of only one thing
IIFT’s presence in the
top-10 B-schools ranking
On fourth floor prowled
a phantom in a shawl
And a Faridabad boy,
disgruntled with Mélange
Now spreading
happiness with SportsComm
We gathered around,
after pulling an all-nighter
For Diwaan Sahab’s bun
maska with extra cheese and butter
Then and there we had
no choice
But to listen to
Adhyyan jokes or Ramneek singing in his orchestra voice
A journey started on
30th June 2016,
D’artgnan arrived in
Took him a while to
find Athos, Porthos and Aramis
Now that journey is
Regrets, sometimes
Sometimes I have none
Low on GPA and
concepts brief
I’m Manish Ranjan from
Hoping we’ll meet
Somewhere along the
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