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IIFT Diaries #102

Jerked awake by the sudden loud alarm
I realize, my favourite tone has lost its charm

I run to the washroom holding my toothbrush
Like every other day, I need to rush

Breakfast seems like a thing of the past
Don’t even remember when I had it last

Hurrying along, I reach the college gate
The guard smiles at me and I know I’m late

Beyond this gate, lies a whole other kingdom
Holding its banners stands the Wings of Wisdom

A vibrant democracy you might want to see
But this kingdom is run by IMF and PC

There’s no thrones, no games to be won
Forget the winter, ‘You-know-What’ has begun

No longer a child, I’ve reached a certain age
My biggest worry is my CV, still half a page

Sitting in class, staring at empty space
Wondering what awaits me at the end of this race

GCPL, ITC or some company further down the row
Or maybe I’ll end up with TCS or Wipro

To change into formals, I run back to C9
Have to be seated in Audi before 4:29:59

So many blockbusters go by unseen
Instead I get to watch TV Ads on the big screen

Midway through the GL, I get totally blacked out
Still manage to evade PC’s radar, that’s something I boast about

At the end of the session comes the time for Q&A
Bharat Seth comes to our rescue like every other day

Done with the GL, we speculate about the batch meet
Also, we are starving and we need something to eat

Sitting in the mess, we all are filled with dread
Was there too much DCP or inside we were dead

Well, one thing this college definitely not lacks
For a hungry tummy, some tasty snacks

What really happens later, I’ll neither divulge nor disclose
Don’t wanna lengthen my list of already existing woes

A long night awaits us in 201 and 202
Not just the end-terms, the real ordeal is afoot too

The only solace offered, after pulling an all-nighter
Is Diwan Sahib’s bun maska, with extra cheese and butter   

My bed calls me with a seductive grace
I fall in its arms into a lover’s embrace

It lulls me to sleep saying, hang in tight
In the end, everything’s gonna be alright

Peeps through the window a ray of sunlight
For many it’s Good Morning, for me it’s Good Night!!

Thanks for your time, guys!!


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