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LIFE AND LIES #64 | Chasing The Sunset

Do not meet me in January

When I am at my optimistic best

Or in December

When the realist takes over

Neither on a Monday

I'm amped up on caffeine

Nor a weekend

I'm drowned in alcohol

I lay awake at night

Sifting words through my mind

I'm not a morning person either

Come find me

At the approach of dusk

On the first Wednesday of June

I'll be waiting for you

Far away from the city

On a cliff overlooking the ocean

And whether you arrive on your own

Or choose to bring monsoon along

I want you to be here

As early as you can be

Because I'm younger now

Than I'll ever be

For it has been tough 

Chasing this sunset 

For three decades 

And hoping for everything 

To turn out the way

I wanted it to be 

When the Sun went down!


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PS: This poem is a present to myself, on turning 30.

This picture was taken in Gokarna on 31st December 2018


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