What's wrong, my mother asked. She must have noticed something off in my voice. So, I tried my best to bring out my normal voice and replied, nothing, why!?
She didn't persist. We went about our usual talk on the phone; how was I, how was my day, did I have my dinner etc. But after a while, she asked again, what's wrong; this time she persisted.
Remember, Harry Potter?
Hmm, what about it!
One of the actors died.
Who? Hermione? My mother is not a Harry Potter enthusiast but she tries to keep up with her son's interests.
No, Snape.
Ohh!! That bad teacher. Normally, I enter into a debate with whosoever makes a bad remark about Snape. But, my mother hardly knew what she was talking about.
Wow, son!! She said after a pause. You are grieving for a person you didn't even know. I wonder what you will do after my death.
She started laughing.
I'll talk to you tomorrow after you...... But eat your dinner. She hung up.
I was shocked when I heard the news. I didn't even know he was 69; he looked very young to me in the Potter movies. And to be honest, I haven't seen his other movies. To me he was just Severus Snape. Harry Potter will never be the same again for me without him.
Alan Rickman made my favourite book character come alive, by being exactly the same person as I had imagined while reading the books. Snape made me realise that no matter what bad deeds you did, you always have the capacity to do good in the world. You just need one reason strong enough to pull you to the brighter side. While people term it as an obsession, I feel otherwise. What Snape had for Lily was pure love which grew stronger even after her death. And abstaining yourself from everything and focussing on just one sole purpose in memory of someone you loved but never had, that's something I can't help but admire.
Alan Rickman made my favourite book character come alive, by being exactly the same person as I had imagined while reading the books. Snape made me realise that no matter what bad deeds you did, you always have the capacity to do good in the world. You just need one reason strong enough to pull you to the brighter side. While people term it as an obsession, I feel otherwise. What Snape had for Lily was pure love which grew stronger even after her death. And abstaining yourself from everything and focussing on just one sole purpose in memory of someone you loved but never had, that's something I can't help but admire.
Also, in the end, Snape made being Slytherin look good. And I'll just go forth and say it: I'm proud to be a #Slytherin.
I wish Snape has a nice time up there with his pal Dumbledore a.k.a Richard Harris. After all, to a well organised mind, death is but the next great adventure.
And whether I come through the pages of the books or through the movies, he'll surely be missed. He may have passed on but he as Snape will forever remain in my heart.

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