Eleanor & Park by Rainbow Rowell My rating: 3 of 5 stars One of those latest and popular American novels. Sounded like a love story, I gave it a try. Narrative was good, keeping things interesting, as should happen in a romance book. Double POVs are great for a love story. Even though it cuts on the thrill part where one is oblivious to the inner feelings of the other guy or girl, this one gives insight into what people on the either side are feeling. A stupid Asian boy, in spite of his inner disapproval of how the girl looked, eventually ends up falling in love with the troubled red haired girl. Together, they experience their first love. They fear their time together is short. Still they give it a shot. Even if first love seldom lasts, it's still worth it. The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost, it's my favourite poem. I liked Eleanor's theory that Shakespeare is only making fun of Romeo and Juliet. I know the story but haven't yet read the or...
Just here to tell stories whether through prose or poetry.