Normally, I abstain from political talks but it has become harder to do so these days. Whenever I log in to my Facebook account, my news feed is filled with what’s going on in the country these days and more often than not, those posts seem ludicrous to me; mostly about the ones that the people, these days, have come to call ‘intolerance’. One party says that the country is intolerant; in reply, the other party says it isn’t. Some return awards while a few notable ones are asked to leave the country. The talks of ‘intolerance’ have unbelievably left the talks about Cricket behind. A widow returns her husband’s medal ‘coz a terrorist goes unpunished, that I can understand. I can empathise with her rage and disappointment. But this I don’t understand; so many learned people returning their own awards. It’s no less than an insult to return the honour they have been given. People ask: why our PM is silent? The answer would be: ‘coz he’s bu...
Just here to tell stories whether through prose or poetry.